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command: allowsnoop <wizard 1> <wizard 2> ...

Allow a wizard or wizards to 'snoop' you; that is to see what is appearing
on your screen as you play the game. If you are encountering a bug in Darker
Realms, it is possible that a wizard may request you to type the command
'allowsnoop <their name>' so as to help them locate the bug.

Please note that if a wizard does ask you to let them snoop you, you are in
no way obliged to comply with such a request. If you do not feel happy with
doing so, just politely tell the wizard this. No action would ever be 
taken against a player for refusing to comply with such a request.

command: allowsnoop, disallowsnoop

List wizards whom you are permitting to snoop you freely.

command: allowsnoop none, disallowsnoop all

Stop all wizards from being permitted to snoop you freely.

command: disallowsnoop <wizard 1> <wizard 2> ...

Stop a wizard or wizards from being permitted to snoop you freely.


> allowsnoop unk emrys galeck lucifer
Wizards permitted to snoop you freely are:
Unk, Emrys, Galeck and Lucifer.

> disallowsnoop lucifer emrys
Wizards permitted to snoop you freely are:
Unk and Galeck.

> disallowsnoop all
No wizards are currently permitted to snoop you freely.

Note that, so as to avoid unnecessary problems, the list of wizards
allowed to snoop you freely is not saved between logins.

See also: privacy.

These pages can be made dark, light, or plain.
This page last modified Thursday, 28-Mar-2024 16:09:20 CDT.
Copyright © 1998-2024 Darker Realms LPMud.