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DR Inquirer (Fall 99)

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DR Inquirer

Inquirer Index

Hi there and welcome to the Fall Edition of the DRI. We're only a little bit late from my estimated publish date, but then, that's kind of the reason I didn't make an official publish date. ;)

We have lots of really good submissions this month, and since there were three months that we didn't publish, that means more quest points to hand out. :) Please go by the DRI offices and collect your qps. If you forgot to pick up your quest points from the Summer edition, by the time you read this, it's too late. ;)

There are so many good submissions, I don't know where to start, and if I could figure out a place to start, I'd just end up listing all the submissions anyway. So, I'll leave it to you to peruse them.

As always, your comments are welcome, there's even a little comment feature that comes with the paper, all the writers love to hear how much you loved their articles, so please don't be stingy with the praise. ;)

The next edition of the DRI is scheduled to come out in Nov/Dec, so there's only a few months for you to get cracking. ;) All submissions are welcome, and I don't think I've ever rejected one. (sometimes that's painfully obvious, but hey ;)

Enjoy the newest Edition, and I'll see you for the Winter Edition :)


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