// Meeting to discuss Mage Guild rewrite.
// December 14th, 2002
// Extra comments were inserted where [NOTE: ] appears in places.

This room has been decorated to look like a winter wonderland.  The ceiling is
draped with midnight blue velvet and strung with thousands of tiny Christmas
lights, and the floor is covered with artificial snow.  In the center of the
room, you see a small ice skating rink, and off to one side, a bonfire burns
in a stone fire pit.
There are two obvious exits, north and west.
Cassandra doth Foresee the Mage (X) (crusader).
Mae the Mage (IV) (good).
Nietzsche the Philosopher (beyond good and evil).
A small, floating disk.
Bengali the Tiger the Mage (X) (paladin).
Dallben the Mage (X) (neutral).
Allanon the Mage (II) (black knight).
Shamgar says: Don't rush a miracle man (you get lousy miracles).
Dalavar the Mage (IV) (paladin).
Ulysses says: Mage guild meeting (East of Old Land Church).

Ulysses says: It's a few minutes after, so I guess we can go ahead and
Ulysses says: First, please ease off the atmos and spellcasting, etc.  I
don't want to spend 3 hours editing the log.
Ulysses grins.
Dallben sits down.
Mae says: same here. i've had a couple people request i save a copy of the
log for them if they cant make it.
Mae says: if they cant manage to get here of course.
Ulysses says: I'm making one now; I hope to post it or something, so it
will be available.
Mae nods.
Ulysses says: Okay, we don't have to do the raising handsa nd such, but try
to keep it orderly and give everyone a fair chance to finish their thread,
throw out ideas if you have them.
Ulysses says: Anyone have any questions?  I hope.
Bengali says: i do
Ulysses says: Okay, Bengali.
Bengali says: familiars have been understated in the current guild have you
given any more thought as to how your going to treat them?
Ulysses says: Most of the idea I've already presented I plan on going
through with.
Ulysses says: For instance:
Ulysses says: Being able to summon the type you want (so Mae will be
happy), making them more useful (minor bonuses, etc).  Things along those
Ulysses says: If they die, you can get another.  You will still suffer for
their loss, but not greatly.  It isn't a one-shot deal anymore.
Cassandra says: so then will be be given a choice when we scribe, or each
time we summon?
Ulysses says: Each time you summon.
Dallben says: Will it be any easier to avoid having stupid newbies kill them if
we don't keep them above knee-level at all times?
Ulysses says: I can probably do something about that; wars will be another
Shamgar says: Will you be expanding the list of choices?
Ulysses says: Definately.
Cassandra says: sounds good to me...
*Mae nogs.
Bengali nods.
Ulysses says: Just one second, I have a file with ideas in it...
Dallben says: Can I get Imbecile's Chihuahua?
Dallben says: Nevermind.
Mae chuckles.
Ulysses says: some ideas I had (not limited to these):
Ulysses says: cat (obviously), hawk, owl, rat, raven, crow, snake, weasel,
wolverine, pseudo dragon (for old school D&Ders), etc.
Ulysses says: Toads.  heh.
Mae grins.
Cassandra says: frogs?
Ulysses says: Ideas for bonuses:
Bengali says: hmm custom familiars for the high ups maybe?
Nietzsche licks his toad.
Ulysses says: light bonus, minor hp bonus, minor wc bonus, resistance(s),
Ulysses says: Yes, you could name it, that is one thing I'd like to try and
implement, as well as a description.
Mae says: or perhaps multiple familiars for higher levels?
Cassandra says: ho9w bout for eternals?
Bengali says: that could get heavy
Dallben says: My owl should make me wiser.
Ulysses says: And complicated.
Mae says: good point.
Dalavar says: wolves?
Cassandra says: sheep>?
Mae says: dragonfly
Ulysses says: Possibly, but most of them will be small.  A fox was one idea
I had awhile back.
Dallben says: small rocks?
Bengali says: squirrel
Ulysses says: Uh... no.  (To sheep and rocks.  I don't want to see sheep
abused anymore than Norbert is allowed.)
Cassandra laughs.
Bengali says: for speed
Dallben says: churches!
Nietzsche says: the ability to go invisible (or just act invisible) would
be nice
Mae chuckles.
Ulysses points at the psuedo-dragon.
Dalavar says: gravy!
Cassandra says: ok I have an area of concern if everyones done on
Ulysses says: Anymore familiar questions?
Mae shakes her head.
Ulysses says: Okay, Cassandra, go ahead.
Cassandra says: Ok Mt main concern through all this is do we get some kind
of guarentee we will not lose level, rank on parchment or be ......how
shall i say it? screwed?
Cassandra says: to put it bluntly...
Ulysses says: When you're 'converted', you will maintain your current level
and guild stats.
Mae says: you go girl
Mae says: ack im still prying out of the other mud
Bengali says: well put and answered
Mae says: wrong windowage
Ulysses says: And these will be translated into the new guild; the only
thing the new guild is doing is expanding upon what we do have as far as
levels are concerned.
Cassandra says: well if I may be honest Ive felt screwed too many times
when changes are made...
Ulysses says: So if you're 19th now, you will be 19th, possibly even higher
in the new guild depending upon experience .
Ulysses nods at Cassandra.
Bengali nods and shivers with fear.
Dallben says: Ulysses, have any cybers complained about the changes you made to
that guild when you rewrote it?
Ulysses says: I want to make the transition as smooth as possible.  There
will be a learning curve, but you will not lose anything you've gained so
far where levels, etc, are concerned.
Ulysses says: Nope.  They were also converted and had to go through a
learning curve.
Nietzsche says: sata did. *grin*
Cassandra says: i just cant help tyhis aprehesiveness that as soon as we
get it to the new system and learn away around some wiz will decide we are
cheating, abusing or whatever , and we will somehow be stripped ...
Ulysses says: I'm in charge of guilds, so... I'd be making that decision.
Ulysses smiles.
Mae goes 'ah'.
Bengali says: i understand that all our spells will be erased. can you
elaborate on that?
Ulysses says: And I hope to make sure that doesn't come to pass, so that's
why we're here.
Ulysses says: Sure...
Ulysses says: Since we're gaining more spell levels, etc, and the spell
format is changing, you'll lose all the spells in your spellbook, it will
be wiped clean.
Ulysses says: Upon joining the new guild...
Nietzsche says: any unintended loopholes must be dealt with to be fair to
non-mages, i would think
Ulysses says: You will have to scribe all your spells over again.  But
there will be more to choose from, etc.
Cassandra says: loop holes are fine but...
Cassandra says: just because one player using triggers for example
Ulysses says: Spells won't be from level 1 to 7 anymore, they will go from
0 to 9.
Allanon says: I personally am most concerned about schools. I'm not quite
sure how they will work
Ulysses nods at Cassandra.
Cassandra says: lucidity for example...
Ulysses nods at Allanon.
Ulysses says: Let me get back to Cassandra's thread first and finish that
Allanon nods.
Cassandra says: goat was kicked from the guild for using triggers to
scriube lucidity
Bengali nods.
Ulysses says: I'm going to try to assemble a good team of testers, so we
can catch all of those holes in testing.
Cassandra says: i just am concerned that seriuos violaters be punished,
rather then the whole guuild
Dallben says: But in the end Goat was the one punished, wasn't he?  The guild
and spells are the same as they were when he abused them.
Cassandra says: in the end yes....
Norbert arrives.
Bengali says: i shouldnt have asked yet either we will wait for your que to
ask new ones
Cassandra says: but only after numerous complaints by mages
Ulysses nods at Cassandra.
Ulysses says: Part of that was my own overreaction to the situation, I must
Cassandra thanks Ulysses.
Cassandra says: im done then
Ulysses says: Okay, let's get back to Bengali's thread, then we'll move on
to Allanon's.
Mae says: i remember a conversation we had Uly, where having spells that
might be abused would be ajusted so they could be the only one concentrated
on at one time?
Ulysses says: Anything else, Bengali?  Or did anyone miss Bengali's?
Mae says: sorry lagged in there for a sec
Cassandra says: can you repest the question Ben?
Cassandra says: or just the answer...
Ulysses says: Yes, some spells will be that way.  Also, to keep people from
earning experience in an easy fashion, exp will be awarded on a per spell
basis, not by spell level.
Dalavar raises an eyebrow.
Ulysses says: So some dinky, useless spell isn't going to give you the same
amoutn of xp as a combat spell used in a life threatening situation.
Dalavar says: ah
Bengali says: i was asking for him to elaborate on our spells being erased
Dalavar says: I guess at first I interpreted that as all spells giving out
equal exp.
Ulysses shakes his head.
Ulysses says: I just want to cut down on cheating, but try to not have it
affect honest players.
Dalavar says: It makes sense to me that a spell that's more difficult to
learn would gain you more exp.
Gargamel enters the game.
Nietzsche says: is there going to be transfer experience?  if not, may i
suggest abolishing that entirely?
Gargamel arrives.
Dalavar says: but I agree that spells being used under duress should
probably get some extra experience.
Cassandra says: that sound good to me too
Bengali says: or spells used in combat ...same thing?
Mae says: i agree
Ulysses says: I haven't actually consiered removing the transfer of
experience yet, but it is an idea.
Dalavar says: same thing
Ulysses says: Anymore questions about abuse or spellbooks?
Dalavar says: just ...
Dalavar says: well, a thought
Dalavar says: I just want to make sure that mages which are not necessarily
all that combat oriented aren't necessarily screwed out of getting decent
Dalavar says: I can appreciate stopping cheating (scripted repittion of
spells over and over again to gain levels w/out risk)
Allanon says: The more important spells will give more exp
Allanon says: I think
Ulysses says: I don't think we'll ever be able to stop cheating entirely,
but I do want to have certain safeguards.  But not at the expense of
everyone having fun, etc.
Dalavar says: but if you're enchanting stuff for people/etc...well, from an
rp perspective I guess I would see any actual spellcasting as being an
experience boost.
Dalavar nods.
Allanon says: If an enchanter casts enchant item, would he get more exp
than another school would?
Shamgar says: It's a difficult thing to balance.  (fun/preventing cheating)
*Mae would think so
Ulysses says: Even with existing guilds, there are known loopholes which
really can't be stopped up without effecting all members, so they're
watched.  Those who abuse them have a talk with me.
Ulysses says: And maybe one with Emrys.
Ulysses grins.
Dallben says: You said "a combat spell used in a life-threatening situation";
are there parallels for non-combat schools, or will an Enchanter still need
to do combat to advance as quickly as someone else?
Ulysses says: Yes.  Diviners would also be a big concern as they'r enot
really combat-oriented.
Dallben says: Yes there are parallels or yes we'd still have to do a lot of
Ulysses says: But I dont' want someone standing around casting clairvoyance
50x either, so there might be a delay on recast, etc.  That's not
finalized, but I hope you get the idea.
Ulysses says: There are parallels.
Cassandra says: but if you know the loopholes and then make a rule
regarding them , then people who violate should be punished, the whole
guild should not be put at a disadvantage due to 1 or 2 people, correct?
Shamgar says: perhaps another idea might be adjusting exp based on how long
it has been since it was last cast.  (in seconds...)
Ulysses says: All schools do have combat-oriented spells though; these will
probably have the biggest rewards as they obviously pose the most risk.
Ulysses nods at Cassandra.
Dallben says: Maybe you could try to force variety in casting more than/as well
as forcing "difficult" spells, where "difficult" is very subjective?
Ulysses says: Yes, those are all good ideas.
Dalavar nods at Dallben.
Bengali says: that was often neccesary though as we can't even kill a fly
in the beginning..i know several mages who have had to cast just to go up
levels before they could do battle and the time involved was great. the new
spells have helped. will you be bringing up the base abilities to make
beginning mages more capable?
Dallben says: I would not object to having enchant spells which are very
dangerous to me if they fail but have high payoff.  These could be more
dangerous than even combat spells. :-)
Ulysses says: Basically, I'm generalizing here.  But I appreciated the
Dallben says: Payoff in exp as well as in what they do to the item enchanted.
Mae nods.
Mae says: i agree there
Ulysses says: Allanon, I'm not forgetting you, but yours is a main topic of
concern, so we'll get to it for sure.  :)
Ulysses nods at Bengali.
Ulysses says: Yes, I hope to make it more fun for low-level mages; not
necessarily a lot easier as it is a learning experience afterall, but it
will be worthwhile.
Ulysses says: There will be more armor and damage based spells for sure to
make life a bit easier.
Ulysses says: This is at all levels.
Bengali says: im not looking for easier per say but i was once killed by a
fly so....
Ulysses hehs.
Ulysses says: I understand.
Ulysses says: Bats are fearsome creatures.
Bengali says: hence the swiss cheese you see in my name all the time. im
full of holes.
Nietzsche says: en masse
Dallben says: Hey add bat to the familiar list.
Ulysses says: Actually, it is there, at least in my head.  :)
Ulysses says: More as a pun than anything.
Ulysses says: Anything else along the lines of abuse?
Ulysses says: Conversion?
Ulysses says: Okay...
Ulysses says: You awake Allanon?
Allanon nods.
Bengali pokes Allanon in the ribs.
Ulysses says: You want to restate your question?
Allanon says: I'm wondering about the matter of the schools. I'm not very
sure how they will be treated.
Ulysses says: Do you have any specific questions or concerns?
Allanon nods.
Allanon says: About the opposite school, that you can't have any spells of
that school?
Ulysses nods.
Ulysses says: Certain schools oppose one another in a 'magical' sense;
therefore, if you focus on one school, you neglect certain others and can't
cast spells from those schools.
Ulysses says: It is the main drawback of specialization.
Cassandra says: what if we stay general?
Allanon says: What are the opposites?
Bengali says: can you change specializations and if so at what point(S)
would you be allowed to?
Ulysses says: If you stay general, you can cast any spell, but only at a
'normal' proficiency.
Cassandra says: ok
Allanon says: Any that you have scribed, that is.
Ulysses says: I haven't finalized the opposites yet.  But there will be at
least 2 schools for every specialization.
Cassandra says: what if we want to change schools?
Ulysses says: (I'm going off the basic D&D model at the moment, but then it
excludes 3 schools and even 1 school in some cases.)
Bengali says: so you can scribe any spell just cant cast it will aligned
with a certain school?
Dalavar says: which D&D model?  3E?
[NOTE: I'm using kind've an amalgamation of 2E and 3E rules, mostly 3E
though.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, just skip this
part and know that it is okay.  :)  I'm also using ideas taken from
a lot of other sources, not just Dungeons and Dragons; MMORPGs, other
RPGs, my own ideas, etc etc.]
Ulysses says: Yes, you can change schools, but for a certain time period,
you will not have any of the specialization advantages.  This is to keep
people from flip-flopping on a whim (i.e. a fight in the arena, etc)
Mae says: if we already have spells scribed that are in one of the
opposites of a school we join later, will we lose them? or will they just
become less effective and yield less experience?
Shamgar hrms.
Ulysses says: You will lose any spells scribed to an opposing school if you
switch.  YOu can't scribe new spells belonging to an opposing school.
Mae nods.
Shamgar says: before you go on, maybe you should explain how scribing will
work in the new school...assuming it'll be different.
Allanon says: But you get to choose new ones?
Ulysses nods.
Ulysses says: Those slots will become empty, you don't lose them, they're
just freed up.
Ulysses says: And you can scribe new spells into them.
Bengali goes 'ah'.
Shamgar says: iirc, you were going to make it possible to wipe out a spell
and scribe a new spell in its place weren't you?  So you werent stuck with
the same spells for forever?
Shamgar says: or was that just a suggestion I made or thought of that I'm
attributing to you?
Ulysses says: Yes.  At first, I was going to have a penalty associated with
this, very minor.  I haven't decided yet what to do about the penalty, but
you will be able to remove spellsa nd scribe new ones.
Shamgar's memory is not so good sometimes.
Ulysses says: This is because there will be such a large number of spells.
Ulysses says: I don't want people 'locked in'; you will have options.
Gargamel says: perhaps a gp penalty?
Ulysses says: Possibly, I've thought about that.
Ulysses nods at Gargamel.
Allanon says: Perhaps a space of time between, so someone doesn't just go
in there and scribe all arena spells, for example.
Allanon shrugs.
Ulysses nods at Allanon.
Bengali says: are you planning to add any more "fun" spells? we could use
some things to makes us more unique s a guild
Ulysses grins.
Dalavar chuckles.
Ulysses says: Yes, there will be some.
Mae says: will the spells assossicated with each school be pointed out, so
we have an idea ahead of time what we might be placing out of reach?
Ulysses says: The 0th-level spells are all 'cantrips' (elaborate atmos for
the most part).
Mae says: ie, before we make a decision
Ulysses nods at Mae.
Ulysses says: Definately.
Mae sighs.
Ulysses says: Also, your spellbook, just as a sidenote, will show spells by
school, etc.
*Dalavar has an ability request if we're done with the schools thread.
Mae says: that just removed about all of my qualms about speciallizing.
Ulysses says: The help files for all spells will show the school associated
with them, along with a detailed description and hints at any bonuses you
might incur for being specialized.
Ulysses says: Ask anyone in the cybertech guild, I'm all about
documentation.  :)  (Not that many bother to read it of course, heh.)
Allanon says: Heh, I've noticed your cybertechs are prospering.
Ravenstar arrives.
Ulysses says: Any more questions about schools or specialization?
Ulysses ahems.
Nietzsche says: we all learned long ago to buy drinks for the finn before
getting enhancements
Ulysses hehs.
Mae says: will some spells be able to be used -only- if specialized?
Ulysses says: "You know it sugah."
Ulysses shakes his head at Mae.
Mae goes 'ah'.
Ulysses says: All spells will be available to general mages.
Mae nods.
Ulysses says: Specialists will just get slightly better results is all.
Shamgar says: I'd almost rather see a couple spells in each that are
high-end and only reachable by being specialized.
Allanon says: Could there be a cross-specializing something? This is
pushing it, but maybe we could have smaller advantages and specialize in
two schools... But then, I guess you'd be more a general mage.
Shamgar says: but maybe that's just me.
Ulysses nods at Allanon.
Allanon says: I think it is, shamgar.
Ulysses says: I'd rather not allow for more than one specialization, it
kind've defeatst he purpose.
Shamgar says: not a lot mind you...but a couple.  Kind of extra incentive
to specialize.
Mae says: i agree with shamgar there
Ulysses says: That's a possibilty for high-levels (perhaps a quest
*Allanon the general mage.
Shamgar says: You don't want to have too many, because of the balances of
Shamgar nods.
Shamgar says: just a thought.
Shamgar grins.
Ulysses says: Does anyone have any thoughts on when someone can specialize
or switch specialization?
Shamgar says: wouldn't be impossible to have general-only spells either.  A
couple that require knowledge of /all/ schools to cast.
Ulysses says: I have a number of ideas, but I'd like others if anyone has
Allanon says: That might work.
Ulysses nods at Shamgar.
Bengali says: for a new thread sometime: how about equipment. you mentioned
that we shouldnt need it. some mages use staffs or wands to focus thier
power will we be mo oriented like this or just open hand
Mae says: perhaps after gaining a certain percentage of the requirements
for a mage level?
Ulysses says: I'll get that that Bengali, I think someone else had a
request for abilities earlier.
Allanon says: Will you be able to join a school as soon as you join the
Ulysses says: No, you'll have to get to at least level 5 first and learn
the 'basics'.
Shamgar says: I'd say switch anytime.  Once you switch, you lose the
ability to switch in inverse proprotion to the advancement you had in your
prior specialty.  (so if you are flipping through them you have longer
delays, but if you switch after playing for a few years and then wnat to
switch again quick (maybe back?) it's not such a big deal.
Allanon hmms.
Ulysses says: Some ideas were only allowing specialization (or
respecialization) at certain levels (i.e. 5, 10, 15, 20)
Ravenstar says: will everyone have magic missile, whip and strength?
Nietzsche says: i would say you have to reach some relatively high point
before being allowed to specialize.  you don't see people learning
specalties right away, but instead focusing on the basics
Cassandra says: what about int and dex?
Allanon says: I'd rather have respecialization at exp levels, so a topped
out mage can stil l change schools.
Ravenstar says: sorry I'm late
Ravenstar blushes.
Shamgar says: plus maybe a hit of some kind on exp
Mae nods.
Ulysses says: Not everyone will have those spells, Ravenstar.
Bengali says: i nearly fainted at the thought of being stuck in a single
school for months
Allanon says: Would a different school have different hp/sp than another?
Ulysses says: No, those are universal.  Although some schools might have
spells which boost them in minor ways.
Allanon says: Perhaps the combat-oriented schools, they would have more hp
than others since they are always out and about.
Mae says: would those spells be able to be cast on more than just mages?
that might give boost to hp/sp?
Ulysses says: They have better damage spells, so they don't need them.
Ulysses says: In rare cases, Mae.  But not a lot of them.
Mae nods.
Ulysses says: I don't want this to be the 'buff' guild, mages focus more on
spells which help themselves for the most part.
Norbert walks home.
Nietzsche says: i guess what i'm curious about is what spells i can cast. 
if i can cast missile, sleep, acid arrow, lucidity, enchant, permanent,
shield, iron skin, evil/good protection, light, arcane weapon, invisibility
and still specialize one of them (probably missile), then i'd be happy. :)
Mae says: what of "melding" for mages, where they could share sp's
Allanon says: Will there be any spells that change your max hp/sp?
Ulysses nods at Allanon.
Ulysses says: That's an idea, Mae, but I'm not sure just yet if I'd want to
implement it.
Mae nods.
Nietzsche says: i have no problem with the current maxiumus for hp
Cassandra says: i think it could go up to 150
Cassandra says: esp for eternals
Dalavar says: I don't really like the level concept
Cassandra says: it weould be nice to get 1 or 2 hps per level
Ravenstar leaves west.
Ravenstar arrives.
Ulysses says: You'd have to sacrifice that same number in sps though per
eternal level.
Dalavar says: If you feel like you're jus tnot advancing in a school at
all, it seems like it'd suck a lot to then realize you had 4 more to go
befor eyou could switch.
Nietzsche says: ack.  eveyone would choose the hp, myself included.  i
don't recommend that, uly
Mae says: i'd opt for the sp's to be truthful, mages shouldnt be "just a
bunch of bashers" like so many other guilds.
Ulysses nods at Mae.
Ulysses says: One thing to keep in mind is there will be a lot more defense
Allanon says: I smashed cassandra yesterday in the pk arena with no equip
as Morphious, because her hp couldn't stand up to a special attack.
Ulysses says: So hit points sound good, but what good is an extra 5 hps
when you could have an extra 5 armor class?
Cassandra says: im E5 ive got 137, when and if I ever get to say E22, id
like to have a few morw hps..
*Mae nogs.
Nietzsche says: when lyndai goes on a kill right now, he's rarely under
100hp, and never under 80 before he has to pub.  so increasing hp to make
it easier for ppl not in the mage philosophy is IMO, bad
Ulysses says: Just as a note, the base hps will be increasing a minor
amount for everyone.
Mae nods.
Allanon says: Minor is all we need. I think it odd that I have the same hp
as Drtsubo
Allanon chuckles.
Cassandra says: i agree.
Bengali says: if i understand your intentions then we will be even more
resistant to special attacks and so won't need the extra hp.
Ulysses says: Correct.
Bengali nods.
Ulysses says: And not just basic armor increasing spells.
Ulysses says: For instance...
Allanon says: The new spells will defend against special attacks?
Mae says: what about "anti-magic"?
Shamgar says: a few extra hp would only mean someone would just have to hit
you twice.
Shamgar grins.
Ulysses nods.
Mae laughs at Shamgar.
Ulysses says: Or something like the current phantom armor which absorbs
X-amount of damage up front.
Dallben says: We should fight ranged much more which would make hp not matter. 
But it's hard to code that in this environment.
Ulysses says: stoneskin.  etc.
Allanon nods at Ulysses.
*Dalavar would like to see some really high-level spells that can only be
cast by mages working together.  (re: mae's question about melding)
Ulysses nods at Dallben.
Dalavar says: I think that would certainly be really cool, if you were to
get around to that.
Mae smiles at Dalavar.
Allanon says: What I'm askiing for is something that makes the mages
something besides the kill quick or be killed guild that they are.
Nietzsche says: they aren't really, allanon
Dalavar says: but then, I love the whole RP thing.  so I'm weird.
Dalavar grins.
Dalavar grins at Dallben.
Dalavar says: I agree.  In fact, that's related to my ability request.
Allanon says: Nevermind, I believe Ulysses has already covered that.
Dalavar says: I'd like to see an ability that's basically the opposite of
the paladin "protect" ability.  Something that lets (in essence) move
behind another player such that they take the hits you are taking.
Dalavar says: er, lets us that is
Nietzsche hehs.
Mae nods.
Bengali oohs.
Nietzsche says: that'd be hilarious when grouping with newbies
Bengali says: sounds like a true mage thing to me.
Allanon nods.
Mae says: very true to the feel i agree
Ulysses nods.
Dalavar says: mages aren't dumb enough to stand out in front and let a
dragon beat the crap out of them when there's a perfectly good cyber there
armored to the hilt.
Ulysses says: One possiblity, and don't take this as a definate, are 'pets'
which might stand in front of you.
Ulysses says: They take hits while you stand in the back.
*Dalavar would rather sacrifice his group members.
Cassandra says: keep in mind most us probablt\y have times when we want to
zip around and score some xp before work, at lunch etc... grouping, casting
iron skin or phantom armor isnt always convenient, thats where haviing a
few extra hps would be nice...
Dalavar grins evilly.
Dalavar says: Why waste a pet when a barbarian will fill the need?
*Mae makes note to self to start looking for something she wrote about
certain guilds' and their guides to pets
Nietzsche boggles at Cassandra.
Allanon says: Thats where you pull out ice and fry, er, freeze everything.
Mae says: too true
Ulysses says: One thing to keep in mind Cassandra is that other guilds
don't really have the advantage of being able to login and get xp really
quick, they have to equip.  So having the option of casting a few spells
and being ready to kill is quite appealing to some; not that I don't
entirely agree w/ you.
Ravenstar says: maybe instead of more hps, one of the classes could have a
much better, longer lasting shield.
Shamgar grunts in a most barbaric manner.
Nietzsche says: shield already lasts much longer than i usually play
Allanon says: Will there be material spells, something that makes you a
piece of cloth or something?
Shamgar says: if you want that, join barbs.
Allanon says: with a component?
Ulysses nods at Ravenstar.
Mae says: semi tame dragons are also nice to have around.
*Mae wonders where boom is
Ulysses says: Sorry, Allanon, what did you mean?
Ulysses is trying to keep up with 20 things here and in RL.
Allanon says: Uh... A spell that will make you an item, a piece of light
armor, etc.
Ulysses says: Yes, Conjurers will have those kinds of spells.  For
instance, a low-level one can summon spell components of basic types.
Ulysses says: Or a minor weapon, etc.
Ravenstar says: I don't mean barb protection, maybe more like phantom armor
or blur to last longer for people who specialize in it.  I don't want to be
a barb again. :)
Ulysses says: Specializing can do that for you, Ravenstar.
Ravenstar says: ok, again, sorry I was late.
Shamgar was referring to Cassandra, Ravenstar.
Ulysses says: It wasn't specifically mentioned then, but it's worth
pointing out here.
Shamgar says: And her desire to log on, play for a bit, and quit.
Allanon says: When will you have these things implemented? I know it'll
probably be quite a while, but I'd like to have an estimate.
Ulysses grins at Ravenstar.
Cassandra says: Yes and I think we all know we are free to join another
guild...I dont thinbk we need to tell each other that
Ulysses says: The core part of the guild, for the most part, is implemented
now, Allanon.
Ulysses says: The spells are the main holdup.
Shamgar grins at Cassandra.
Shamgar says: sure I do.  I'm a barb.
Cassandra looks innocent.
Ulysses says: They have to be coded, tested, etc.  Then there is real
life[tm] which has been interferring a lot of late.
Shamgar saw one of those in a store recently.
Ulysses says: If I can actually find the time to work on it, I'd guestimate
probably the middle of next year.  That's testing, etc.  It is going to
have to be tested a lot.
Allanon says: Are we going to voluunteer for testing or are you going to
pick out a team?
Ulysses says: I'm picking a team.
Ravenstar says: I really like the new spells.  I am excited about changes,
yet stuck in the mud of 1993. I am Very glad that we have a sponsor/guild
leader that WANTS to do things though!
Ravenstar hugs Ulysses.
Ulysses grins.
Ulysses says: It's why I wizzed; the cybertech guild grew stagnant, so... I
did something about it.
Ulysses says: YOu want to do this for me?
Ulysses grins.
Nietzsche hehs.
Ravenstar blushes.
Ravenstar says: umm.. no
Ulysses says: Damn.
Ravenstar says: I can barely code a dog.
Allanon says: You need an assistant.
Cassandra says: how are you picking the team?
Ulysses says: I have some volunteers, I need a smaller ego though.  OR less
pride, etc.
Allanon chuckles.
Nietzsche nods at Ulysses.
*Dallben casts shrinking ego on Ulysses.
Mae chuckles.
Ulysses says: I'm picking people that I know are good testers, those which
have pointed out my dumb errors before when I was totally clueless.
Ulysses grins.
Ulysses pats Nietzsche on the head.
Ravenstar says: I'm a great grammer checker.
Ravenstar says: even though I can't type.
Ravenstar giggles.
Ulysses says: Also, some longtime mages, etc.  Those who can give me a good
perspective on the new vs the old.
Mae says: unless its something that will crash a mud i'll probably not find
Mae says: right gargamel?
Nietzsche grins.
Gargamel laughs out loud.
Mae says: i walked in a room, time for everyone to reequip
Ulysses hehs.
Cassandra says: i hope it will include players as well as wizards...?
Gargamel says: not your fault.
Allanon says: I've managed to find bugs in tomb raider to frogger, but I'm
not a longtime mage. Not a longtime anything, I concentrated too much on
joining the guilds... (I now have one in every guild
Ulysses says: I hope to include players, yes.  That isn't something
normally done, though, just to point that out.
Mae says: yeah, but for a while i thought i was cursed with that one. I
imagine people started to hate it if i blinked for a while.
Ulysses says: Since the idea struck me to do this, I've been talkign to the
players though; e-mails, here, etc, to get feedback.
Cassandra thanks Ulysses.
Allanon says: If all goes right, I might be wiz before mid next year.
Nietzsche says: just be sure to clean up the mess before anyone wanders by
Mae whispers something to Gargamel.
Bengali says: him clean up a mess?
Bengali laughs out loud.
Mae grins.
*Mae casts selective hearing on herself so as to ignore people outside of
the box.
Dalavar grins at Bengali.
Ulysses says: Anything else on... these topics?  heh.  I think Bengali had
a question about equipment we can move on to if we're ready.
*Gargamel feels ignored.
Ulysses pokes Gargamel in the ribs.
Ravenstar says: all I ask is to not change to many of the names or commands
for mages.  I'll be spending 3 hours trying to remember the word to scribe
a spell. :)
Nietzsche says: not to mention reworking aliases that took several hours or
even days to think through
*Gargamel imagines recoding his aliases and acks.
*Dalavar has all his aliases in a file now so he can edit them locally and
recreate them online with a command.
*Bengali imagines recoding his aliases and acks
Cassandra agrees with Ravenstar.
Cassandra agrees with Nietzsche.
Dallben says: What are aliases?
Gargamel laughs out loud.
Cassandra grins.
Ulysses hides.
Bengali rolls on the floor laughing.
Allanon says: micros, for the old.
Nietzsche says: they are these things, see, that make you type less.  but
much better than l33t
*Ravenstar misses micros....
Ulysses says: There's this guy see, and... I'll tell you later.
Mae chuckles.
Ulysses misses micro bugs.
Ravenstar nods.
Ravenstar says: those too.
Mae says: gotta admit, miss micros too
Cassandra says: so whats the vedict?
Ulysses says: Were you a mage back then?  heh.  those things weighed a ton.
Ulysses says: ac = down the tubes
Nietzsche says: that sucked
Mae says: i used to want to see if they would blow up too, but couldnt
enchant yet
Ravenstar nods.
Cassandra laughs.
Ravenstar says: but it was like a purse. :)
*Dalavar remembers complex aliases requiring you to carry multiple micros.
*Mae likes to blow things up for some reason... very repressed destructive
Ravenstar says: I do like it better without them now.
Allanon chuckles.
Ulysses says: You might have to change some aliases, but for the most part
they'll remain the same.
*Allanon points at Bengali the somewhat charred swiss cheese mage.
Shamgar likes to blow them too.
Ravenstar says: sorry for the tangent.
Gargamel thanks Ulysses.
Ulysses says: The only thing I can think of requiring it is the fact some
spell names might be different.
Shamgar says: unrepressed destructive nature with me.
Shamgar blows up the mud to demonstrate.
Dallben says: If you're really clever you'll just use nicknames and other
aliases to make up for any that change.
Ulysses says: magic missile will be just that, not missile, etc
Dalavar hehs at Dallben.
Ravenstar says: just please no names that are too long.. vampiric touch is
a bit long.
Dalavar says: assuming you have any aliases left.
Ulysses comforts Ravenstar.
Ravenstar says: but I guess that's what aliases are for.
Ulysses says: It's uh, gonna get worse.  heh.
Nietzsche says: ravenstar, that's what we're talking about aliases for. heh
*Ravenstar loves Vampiric touch.
Nietzsche says: do you think i type out vampiric touch evey time? heh
Dalavar agrees with Ravenstar.
Cassandra agrees with Ravenstar.
Mae grins.
Mae agrees and raves.
Mae laughs.
Ulysses says: So you all like having the abilities of the undead?
Ulysses hmms.
*Bengali casts vimpirc touc on allanon
Ravenstar says: I liked the idea of a vampire guild, back when, but it will
never get coded.
Nietzsche says: i could care less about that.  i just like gaining hp w/out
Dalavar nods at Nietzsche.
Dalavar says: at the expense of my enemies no less.
Nietzsche nods.
Mae says: gaining sp without pubing at the expense of an enemy would really
be nice though too
Ulysses says: is it okay at higher levels?  My newbie mage uses it and it
sucks, heh.
Ulysses says: "on paper" I know what it does, but wondering about later on
in everyday use
Dalavar says: gaining sp at the expense of my fellow players would be fun.
Dalavar snickers.
Nietzsche says: to be honest, uly.  it's DA BOMB!!
Boom arrives.
Boom duhs.
Mae says: bout time boom
Boom says: guess I'm late
Boom grins.
Ulysses says: That's not good coming from you.  heh.
Mae fwaps Boom.
Bengali says: what about that bit where we recharge faster if we are NOT
*Dalavar siphons some sp off of Cassandra.
Ulysses nods at Bengali.
Bengali says: was that a typo?
Ulysses says: Nope.
Allanon says: oh dear
Ulysses says: You recover sps the same when drinking, but afterwards, being
drunk isn't going to make you recover faster.
Ulysses says: HPs recover the same, but not sps.
Ravenstar says: we are alcoholic savants!
Allanon scratches his head.
Cassandra points at Dalavar.
Nietzsche says: mostly it just ensures i get to unload all my sp before i
must pub.  (which is my main goal aside from killing)
Allanon says: Uh, should we get hp from coffee and food then?
Ulysses says: (As a note, cybers recover hps at 1/3 the normal rate without
certain enhancements -- this isn't life ending.)
Boom agrees with Ulysses.
Ulysses says: Or cast firechaser...
Mae says: im getting pressured to move. see why i dont play during the day?
Dalavar raises an eyebrow at Cassandra.
Bengali says: hmmm sharing sp might be a way to do the group thing.
Dalavar hehs.
Dalavar says: I didn't mean in a friendly/volunteer way.
Bengali says: a spell to give sp to someone voluntarily?
Dalavar grins.
Nietzsche says: speking of that, familiars should give sp bonuses.  all
Ulysses says: possibly.
Ulysses nods at Bengali.
Ulysses says: Some will, but not all.
*Dalavar speaks a word and touches Cassandra, she turns white and faints.
Mae says: yeah, something where that were possible, willing sp banks
Boom whispers arcane words of warding and touches his forehead.
Ulysses says: Back to the sp recover thing -- you will recover sps faster
than normal when not intoxicated.
*Mae watches Boom blow up.
Boom hehs.
Ulysses says: So just standing around sober, you will recover sps faster
than you do now.
[NOTE: Don't forget that you can also 'study' your spellbook, limiting
what you can do, but you will recover spell points even faster.]
Bengali nods.
Allanon says: Sounds more economical, at least.
Nietzsche says: oh, i have one idea (although i think ghis should be a
player variable not a mage variable).  give people the option of
automatically declining gifts because gifts given to mages aren't
necessarily good
Allanon says: As long as we don't get drunk if we stand around. (has
visions of bender
Ulysses says: Man that's like a classic pk trick...
Nietzsche nods.
Ulysses has no knowledge of such things.
Mae grins.
Boom hehs.
Boom laughs at Ulysses.
Ulysses grins at Boom.
Nietzsche says: why on earth would i accept it if it's going to get me
Boom says: like Keth... he won't take anything from you
*Boom declines your offer.
Ulysses says: Keth is suspicious of everyone.
Mae says: box, with loaded grenade in it... you just see the box
Mae shrugs.
Boom says: isnt much left out there thats nasty if you give it away
Nietzsche says: in mage's case, mae, it's all about weight
Boom says: except the hourglass bomb
Boom says: oh RIGHT
Boom snaps his fingers.
Mae nods.
Cassandra says: This has never happened to me...
Ravenstar says: is there still a facehugger on here?
Cassandra says: i would think this would fall under an existing rule....
Ulysses says: yeah, that's not mage specific
Ravenstar says: that thing was suckoed and sitting in on the corner one
day... I hadn't seen aliens...it was bad. I died.
Ulysses thanks Cassandra for rescuing him.
Mae whispers something to Gargamel.
Ulysses says: Who would do such a thing?
Ulysses hides his SUCK-O-MATIC[tm].
Ravenstar says: that wasn't YOU was it???
*Ravenstar starts getting angry.
Ulysses says: No...
Ulysses says: I only do giants.
Ravenstar hugs Ulysses.
Ulysses oops.
Cassandra says: people spewing in safe zones should be punished!!!
Nietzsche says: that's gross
Ulysses was.
Mae says: i just make zoos in the back room of tikas
Bengali says: there are safe zones?
Ulysses says: Twice.
Shamgar grins at Nietzsche.
Shamgar says: family mud!
Cassandra says: pubs
Nietzsche says: exactly
Ulysses pokes Nietzsche in the ribs.
Nietzsche grins.
Cassandra says: churches
Mae says: right outside the noob areas
Cassandra says: my little gray room.....
Dallben says: Wasn't Mugger the one that got banished for the aliens thing?
Nietzsche nods.
Boom grins.
*Ravenstar hunts down Mugger's grave...
Boom says: that used to be a common thing
Boom says: vorpal bunny waiting outside the main pub
Nietzsche says: wait.  iirc, he asked to be banished.  but imo, he should
have been prior to that
Shamgar says: summoning onto boats with aggressive monsters too
Shamgar says: back before the boat was sped up
Bengali says: what about our not using equipment. won't that leave the
whole enchantment thing without a market?
Bengali says: ive made most of my money enchanting
Ulysses says: No, you will still use equipment, especially armor.
[NOTE: Unlike the current guild which completely excludes certain armor
types, you will be able to wear all armor types (except shields) at
anytime; however, each piece of armor is subject to weight restrictions;
for example, you could only wear a very light helmet or piece of body
Dallben says: I don't generally enchant for other mages.
Mae waves her hands, and disappears.
Dallben says: Er, the people that ask for it aren't mages I mean.
Ulysses says: And you can still use weapons.  Just not 'big' weapons.
Ulysses says: Namely, you can use daggers and staves.
Nietzsche hehs.
Allanon says: What is a big weapon?
Boom says: no uzi's ?
Ravenstar says: eww.. maybe a spell called "poof" and we go instantly to a
safe place.
Boom grins.
Ulysses says: Those still need lovin'.
Nietzsche says: lyndai mostly just uses the whip
Allanon says: Can I still go grab a foil or something?
Mae says: thats one alias i must change
*Cassandra loves enchanting...
Bengali says: its that way now basically. we can't use heavy stuff very
well at all.
Ulysses shakes his head at Allanon.
Dallben says: What about kitchen implements?
Boom laughs out loud.
Nietzsche says: not yet
*Dallben waves skillet around.
Boom whispers arcane words of warding and touches his forehead.
Ulysses says: Butterknife, sure.
Nietzsche says: well, maybe a cheese grater
Ravenstar says: I had a 4x cattle prod.
Ulysses says: True, but I"m also talking about limiting weapon type as well
as weight.
Cassandra says: Ive made to E5 using whip 99% of the time
Boom says: gosh... a duelist mage makes perfect sence to me
Boom laughs out loud.
Ulysses says: There will be similar 'spell' weapons available.
Mae gives gossimar indigo and silver robes. to Cassandra.
Ulysses says: fists of stone comes to mind.
Bengali says: Ive seen mages mostly using wands or staffs. the swords do
seem a bit off.
Bengali raises his Glowing sword (wielded) into the air and yells, "WOO HOO!!"
Nietzsche says: that looked bad
Mae says: sorry guys, i gotta go
Boom says: so does a whip
Bengali waves at Mae.
Boom waves at Mae.
Ulysses waves at Mae.
Mae says: the people outside the box have gotten the best of me
Cassandra hugs Mae.
Mae hugs Cassandra.
Boom says: where the heck did magic whip come from anyway ?
Nietzsche says: so we're mages into archaeology
Ulysses says: I have no idea.
Mae says: cya later
*Boom the S&M Mage.
Mae left the game.
Dallben says: It should be noted that areas that were written to be kind to
mages under the old systems shouldn't necessarily be left out to dry..?
Nietzsche says: huh?
Boom says: be kind to mage areas ?
Ulysses says: There's code there to allow certain items to still be used.
Boom says: Ric?  HA! He's my dawg!
Nietzsche says: oh yeah
Dallben says: Well Fred put some nice things in his area, Remo's area, etc... if
the gear requirements change dramatically we don't have mage-friendly areas
and those areas are, what?
Boom ponders the situation.
Ulysses says: Still usable.  Or if need be, upgraded.
Dallben says: Granted some of those are written to abuse things, but still,
something more modest could replace them.
Boom says: they could be changed
Boom shrugs.
*Dallben notes that Raistlin never intended for mages to have
the use of multi-attack weapons in the first place.
Boom hmms.
*Ravenstar really wanted the name Raistlin.
Shamgar says: not here you don't.
Cassandra giggles.
Shamgar hehs.
Allanon says: Will there be a spell to speed up your attacks?
Ravenstar says: not today, no..
Allanon says: like the alchies speed?
Ulysses says: Yes, but not a great deal.
Bengali says: i was refering to other games/stories/experience as a mage
over the years. most use staffs or wands to focus thier power. picture
gandalf wielding a sword. a whip?
Ulysses says: Like you might get 2x attacks or something at the very best.
Nietzsche says: staff of power.  heh.
Nietzsche says: what's the other one?  i forget
Cassandra cracks her whip.
Ravenstar says: Gandalf has an awesome sword.. but yeah we should have more
Ulysses says: Staff of the Magi.
Dalavar says: I think I'd rather see it such that we can cast spells more
often rather than attack more often.
Nietzsche nods.
Ulysses nods.
Cassandra says: staff would be appropriate to a mage.... but then again...
i do like this whip...
Ravenstar says: zebrawood staff.
Cassandra grins evilly.
Dallben says: I think the whip is because Raistlin was dating Requiem. :-)
Cassandra laughs.
Nietzsche grins evilly.
Ulysses says: You'll also have reactionary spells; or spells like the
current acid arrow -- it does damage-over-time, so no need to recast, it is
wokring in the background for you.
Dalavar says: like either the ability to nullify one of the opponant's
attacks per round (or every other or whatever) to simulate more time, or
just the ability to cast more than one spell per round.
Ravenstar says: staff of magic missile and wand or lightning or whatever.
Dalavar says: are you sure you don't mean Satoria?
Boom says: how about bonuses to certain weapons.... dagger, knife, staff
and getting a negative bonus for other weapons
Allanon says: what about the psychic things... Like the ol' thing with
throwing someone against the wall with the wave of your hand
Dalavar grins evilly.
Bengali says: could you beef up the gas a bit?
Nietzsche says: yeah, let's do apparent AC too.  oh vey
Ulysses says: There will be some spells like that, Allanon.
Boom says: I also want uh... duel wielding and uh like 4 attacks a round
plus I want to breathe on people like the dragons do
Ulysses says: And the gas, there will be a variety of such spells:
incendianary cloud comes to mind.
Boom says: oh, and I want orthoskin
Ulysses shakes his head at Boom.
Allanon smiles at Boom.
Boom grins at Ulysses.
Ravenstar says: ewww.. incendianary cloud!!!
*Boom wields an uzi in each hand!
Ulysses grins at Boom.
Boom raises a fist into the air and yells, "WOO HOO!!"
Ulysses says: I'm -not- giving cybers dual-wield!  heh.
Dalavar says: reactionary spells soiund really clol.
Boom cackles.
Ulysses says: so stop submitting it.... hehe
Ravenstar says: that's HARD To spell...
Boom looks innocent.
Ulysses says: REactionary being like if you got hit, it goes off.  stuff
like that.
Nietzsche says: you sure?  if it cost 1B exp, you can be assured only one
player will get it in 5 years
Ulysses says: fire shield anyone?
Ulysses pokes Nietzsche in the ribs.
Nietzsche snickers.
Dalavar says: any that are more general than that?  Like, if you get hit
with specific types of attacks?  (fire/ice/etc?)
Cassandra says: Sure....
Boom says: fire shield?  As in if you get hit the monster takes damage ?
Ulysses says: depends, I haven't dug deeply into it, so I'm not sure how
implementing it is going to go.  but if it seems possible, I have more than
enough ideas.
Cassandra says: fire shield would be good in the pk too
Ulysses nods at Boom.
Cassandra nudges Allanon.
Allanon says: enemy empathy in aclhies terms
Bengali says: some resistance to alchies nastier potions would help us
level the field in the arena and wars too.
Boom hehs.
Dalavar nods.
Ulysses ahems.
Boom says: ALL the guilds need resistances to the alchie potions
Dalavar says: er
*Dalavar nods at Ulysses.
Cassandra says: i have a question about gems...
Ulysses says: Okay, Cassandra.
Cassandra says: relating to alchies
Boom hmms.
Ulysses groans.
Ulysses grins.
Ulysses has a special place in his heart for Alchies.
Dalavar hehs.
Cassandra says: the idea of "real" gems being more powerfull was brought
Boom hehs.
Dalavar says: your heart is up higher Uly.
Ulysses says: Oh, thanks.
Cassandra says: if this is implemented....
Bengali says: a gem dispencer in the guild would be nice.
Dalavar grins.
Bengali hangs his head.
Boom laughs out loud.
Ulysses pokes Bengali in the ribs.
Cassandra says: how will we keep track ?
Ulysses grins.
Cassandra pats Bengali on the head.
Dalavar says: keep track of what?
Dalavar says: oh
Dalavar says: nm
Dalavar says: missed a say there
Ulysses says: Like you said, it was an idea, but one I am looking into. 
More than likely, it would be by value.
Dalavar says: My suggestion was that we keep track by value of the gem.
Cassandra says: of which gems are real and which are not, once they go in
the pouch...
Boom says: yow
Ulysses says: Or certain gems would not be placeable in your pouch, like
the alchie gems.
Cassandra says: they all look the same
Dalavar says: alchy gems are pretty much worthles.
Allanon says: could we use more than one gem per enchant for a better
Boom says: thats gonna slow down enchanting
Ravenstar says: It WOULD be nice to be able to have a mage store that was
always stocked around the guild.
Nietzsche says: acquiring gems used to be far more difficult.  there is
nothing inherently wrong with the current component system really, it's
just that gems are far easier to obtain nowadays
Allanon says: Alchemists do that.
Ulysses nods at Ravenstar.
Boom says: unless its small bonus for using say... a 200k gem vs a 100 gp
Cassandra says: thats going to be very confusing
Cassandra says: will we need to say.. cast indentify on gems
Boom raises an eyebrow.
Ravenstar says: just get rid of the gem potion for us and give us a store?
Cassandra says: or rate them in the shop or what?
Boom says: just value it at a shop
Ulysses says: It's an idea, makes the spell more useful.
Ulysses nods at Boom.
Bengali says: ok seriosly a vending machine in the guild cheap ones or
expensive ones...
Ulysses gags Bengali.
Boom laughs.
Bengali laughs.
Allanon says: And the money goes to all names beginning with A.
Allanon says: In this room.
Ulysses hehs.
Cassandra says: theres one  in the alchie guild already....
Ravenstar says: I think gems should be of a magical grade and should be in
our guild.
Nietzsche says: well i'd rather fix the problem of gems being too plentiful
than worrying about what gems work
Spencer arrives from the depths of chaos.
Allanon bows deeply before Spencer.
Spencer bows before Allanon.
Ulysses says: Making them a component for other spells would take care of
Boom says: YEAH
Allanon says: The thing might blow up as it is, why make it hard to get the
Ravenstar says: maybe you would have to meditate to get a gem so you
wouldn't have too many.
Ulysses says: Or imbue it with a certain amount of power before it is
useful for the particular spell.
Boom nods.
Bengali says: ive seen mages get on look around for gems shrug and quit.
Ravenstar nods.
Dallben says: The most complete solution would probably be if people from all
guilds still had more guild pride but that's probably a lost cause.
Ravenstar says: yes, charge the gem.
Allanon says: I like charging the gem
Dalavar says: I guess I"m figuring that most of the time, players bring you
gems for enchanting.
Allanon says: maybe a less expensive gem would take more sp to charge...
Dalavar says: let them hunt down the quality of gems relative to the
quality fo spell they want.
Cassandra says: Mine do...
Dalavar shrugs.
Boom says: if they don't want an extra charge
Cassandra says: BYOG!
Nietzsche nods at Dallben.
Ulysses nods at Cassandra.
Ulysses grins.
Ulysses says: Usually, my chars always byog.  (and I hope I get charged
less money)
Dalavar says: as mages, we'll likely share the best location of gems.  
Just measn there'll probably need to be more better quality gems.
Ravenstar says: yes, but everyone loots them.  If we could get them, we
could charge them more for enchants....
*Ravenstar rubs her hands together....
Boom hehs.
Ulysses says: Mage Syndicate in the making.
Allanon says: Ugh, I don't want my gems to explode before I blow up my
Boom says: share eh ?
Cassandra says: wait
Cassandra says: i had something about leaving stuff in the guild
Ravenstar says: I think you should be able to charge the stone it just
takes a few seconds or a boatride length.
Cassandra says: cybertech have a guard, can wer get one?
Ulysses says: Okay, quick before the syndicate grows.
Nietzsche says: i'm just worried we are getting too realistic and adding
unneded complexity by making the value of gems matter when that isn't
really the source of the problem we are trying to fix.  that's all
Bengali nods.
Ulysses says: The value might matter, but for certain spells.
Ravenstar nods.
Dalavar says: I don't think uly has necessarily said he was going to do
that.  It's just a thought I had.
Ulysses nods.
Ulysses says: It's mostly a means of making enchanting more interesting.
Ravenstar says: That's why I think we need our own gems.. they vary too
much in value.
Cassandra says: then how will we tell the gems apart once they are in the
Boom hmms.
Boom grins.
Ulysses says: That's something I could take care of.
Dalavar says: Heh.  I think it'd be cool if mages could cast spells to
guard the equipment room.  Make it their responsibility to protect the
guild by keeping hte spells going.
Ulysses says: high-quality gems .... 3
Nietzsche says: heh.  enchanting is mostly an uninteresting 10 minutes that
lyndai needs to do on days he intends to play
Ulysses says: low-quality gems .... 5
Cassandra says: ok, thats my main concern on the gmes issue
Shamgar nods at Ulysses.
Ulysses says: that's easy to do
Boom says: I seriously doubt anyone is gonna raid the mage guild
Boom says: unless its just for fun
Ulysses hehs.
Bengali laughs.
Dalavar says: I dunno.  If we get some nifty enchant powers/etc, and start
leaving enchanted gear in the guild again they will.
Cassandra says: and high valued gems
Ulysses says: That's one we'll have to play by ear.
Boom says: making it impossible isnt fair, all guild storerooms have a way
to be broken into
Dalavar says: regardless, I just think it's a cool idea for protecting it.
Dalavar says: even if nobody wants in.
Dalavar nods at Boom.
Ulysses says: I'd rather focus efforts elsewhere, I wasted a lot of time
fretting over the cybertech storeroom, heh.
*Ravenstar misses shouts about enchanted stuff for sale.
Cassandra says: so make fizban the guard...
Boom nods at Ravenstar.
Dalavar says: in ours, it's our failure to be adamant at protecting it.
Boom says: some guard
Boom snickers.
Ulysses snickers.
Nietzsche says: in a non-equip based guild like mages, you shouldn't have
to anyway
Nietzsche says: i cant remember the last time i went there looking for
Cassandra says: hes better than nothing
Bengali says: i was once accosted for removing something from the guild and
later selling it. as a poor newbie mage i was shocked by his behavior
because of this I have reservations about a lending system like the
cybertechs have. it always gets ugly
Ravenstar says: we could have a box that's mage-sealed to drop goodies in.
Boom says: not if you return what you borrow
Ulysses says: The issue is mainly hording.  If you grab all the good stuff,
other people are going to complain.  Big, ugly circle.
Cassandra says: i just think it would be nice if only mages could into the
Bengali nods at Ulysses.
Cassandra says: call me silly, but seeing barbs hanging in the guild irks
Allanon says: you afraid they're going to outlearn you?
Allanon chuckles.
Boom laughs out loud.
Cassandra nods.
Allanon says: j/k
Nietzsche hehs.
Boom says: thats rich
Cassandra says: exactly
Shamgar hrms at Cassandra.
Ulysses says: From a roleplay standpoint, I'd tell them to... well...
leave.  But not like that.
Shamgar says: if you do that, makes it hard to join.
Shamgar grins.
Boom says: could allow mages to toss out non members
Shamgar nods at Ulysses.
Cassandra says: no it doesnt
Boom says: so they COULD hang out there, but not if you don't want them to
Shamgar says: slow/confusion/etc should be good for that.
Boom hmms.
Bengali says: who hangs out in the guild?
Boom says: not me, and I'm a mage!
Boom laughs out loud.
Shamgar wonders what kind of a barb would hang out in the mage guild
Cassandra says: it was just an idea...
Boom nods at Shamgar.
Ulysses says: Go hangout in their guild.  heh.
Bengali points at Cassandra.
Cassandra looks innocent.
Gargamel says: I never saw a barb hang out at the barb guild
Ulysses says: See... great place to hangout.  Empty and, well, sort've
Gargamel says: hanging out is generally to chat
*Dalavar holds his nose.
Ulysses says: Hell, there's a pub around the corner.
Allanon says: Go hang out with Sharon.
Ulysses says: With darts...
Allanon chuckles.
Allanon nods.
Ulysses ponders hanging out at the barb guild more often.
Cassandra says: anyway... it was just an idea , it seemed simple enough to
me ... but...
Ulysses says: Do they have a ladies night?
Boom hehs.
Dalavar says: Would you want to meet ladies that go to a barb pub?
Cassandra says: no one else seems to like the idea... forget it
Gargamel says: I see Tika's as the most common hangout.
*Dalavar makes a face.
Ulysses says: We're just pulling your leg.  Honestly, the 'rules' are that
you can't really lock off an area from other players; again, hording, etc,
comes up.
Shamgar glares at Dalavar.
*Dalavar wiggles his fingers at Shamgar.
Boom snickers.
Cassandra says: im sorry, maybe im mistaken that the finn only lets cybers
Boom says: you are
Shamgar shakes his head at Cassandra.
Shamgar grins.
Ulysses says: Into the storeroom?  No, you can get in there.
Boom grins at Cassandra.
Ulysses says: You have to sweet talk him.
Boom hehs.
Cassandra laughs.
Ulysses says: He only understands one language.
Ulysses grins.
Nietzsche says: well 2.  hic.
Boom says: FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY!!!!!
Cassandra says: great lets finish up so i can go raid the cyber guild...
Ulysses says: Oh yeah.
Boom cackles.
Shamgar grins at Nietzsche.
Dallben says: I'm about to leave, anyone want this stuff?  4x sharpened skillet,
2x amulet, 1x flops, 3x coat.
Ulysses says: Okay, back on track... Anymore questions?
Bengali says: another point to ponder there. i recently enchanted something
for a cyber. later i got my cyber and went to the guild i found an item
that was polished and wondered so i asked the guy. sure enough it was the
one i enchanted. i dropped it on the spot.
Ulysses says: A skillet... sharpened...
Boom says: skillet ?
Shamgar will take the flops
Boom rolls on the floor laughing.
Shamgar says: I like my staff tho.
Shamgar grins.
Dallben says: Don't knock it til you've tried it.
Ulysses says: That's Emrys' area, but I think you would've been okay
keeping it, you gave it away afterall; wasn't like you intentionally
twinked gear over.
Boom says: did anyone bring up more mage levels ?
Dalavar smirks at Shamgar.
Nietzsche says: that particular one was signed by John Mc'enroe
Bengali nods.
Dalavar says: I'll take the flops.
Cassandra says: yes thank you ben... i had that same issue
Dalavar says: and coat
Dalavar grins.
Bengali says: i didnt jst to be safe but it does bring up a possible
problem with hoarding.
Ulysses says: No one has brought up mage levels, Boom.  Any questions?
Dalavar says: hell, I'll take the amulet too if nobody else wants it.
Cassandra says: anyhow on to levels then? what will we be able to go up to?
Boom says: yeah, any ideas about that non-existant test in the tower
Raistlin was gonna code so we could make level 20 arch-mage?
Ulysses says: Right now, 25, but I may expand it.
Nietzsche says: ok, here's a realistic question.  are we going to get
warining just before the switch so that i can burn all 10M of lyndai's
coins into exp? :)
Cassandra says: too soon for a level req. list?
Ulysses says: Now that you put it that way... no, heh.
Nietzsche grins.
Dalavar grins at Ulysses.
Boom says: I KNOW you love coding rooms Ulysses.
Ulysses says: Yeah... whee.
Ulysses grins.
Boom laughs.
Boom boggles at the concept.
Boom snickers.
*Bengali need a pub!
Ulysses says: Bug report: Sonso wrote: You didn't describet he light switch
Cassandra says: what about Int and dex?
Destruction drops in under a T-10C parachute.
Boom shakes his head.
Destruction says: What the?
Destruction giggles.
Ulysses says: Those will remain as they are, open-ended, althoughw e might
need to put some kind've cap on it for programing reasons
Ulysses says: i.e. 30 or something
Gargamel says: what about a mage-only room where drop() does not work?
Allanon says: Uh, can someone tell me where it says why not to attack
fizban? My first mage, Alohrama, was Mage (III and got kicked out for that,
Cassandra says: it 25 now isnt it?
Ulysses says: Realistically, it is hard to make them useful after a certain
point without letting people become too pwerful just because of some stat.
Ulysses says: It is 25 or 30, I don't recall
Cassandra says: k
Ulysses says: Back to levels, there will be a quest to get to 20th.  And
probably one for 25th.  If possible (i.e. I get a lot of help), I may have
one for every level 20+.
Boom nods.
Nietzsche acks.
Boom grins at Nietzsche.
Cassandra grumbles.
Nietzsche says: so much for staying ahead of drtsubo by being more active
and a better killer
Shamgar grins.
Cassandra says: howhard of quest are we talking here?
Destruction says: Hopefully to match the level you'll be getting.
Destruction grins.
Ulysses nods.
Boom says: probably make Kiz's quest look like the orc_slayer quest
Ulysses says: Well, not that hard, heh.
*Bengali thinks of mosaics and dies slowly
Boom laughs.
Allanon chuckles.
Boom agrees with Bengali.
Ulysses says: Mostly, just quests to test your mage know-how.  It won't be
just straightforward hack-and-slash.  You'll have to use spells in creative
ways, etc.
Allanon says: ooh,.
Bengali oohs.
Cassandra says: do other guils have this (besides barb)?
Boom shakes his head.
Allanon says: Hey,  will we have elemental splelS?S
Ulysses says: Paladinds do to get to 20th.
Ulysses nods at Allanon.
Boom says: oh yeah
Boom says: dragons don't, but my God...
Allanon says: the mix-and-match kind or just a fireball to fry
Boom says: I think at this point I would -rather- have to do a quest
Bengali peers at Cassandra.
Ulysses says: The 20th level quest will be required for sure.  Possibly
25th.  And after that, possibly for others.  Unlikely, but possible.
Bengali says: you sure your not a barb?
Nietzsche says: could we make a vote on this before you decide? :)
Ulysses grins.
Boom laughs.
Shamgar snickers.
Ulysses says: Just know I hate coding rooms...
Boom says: you LIKE quests, remember?
Ulysses points out the fact he has no open area, but is an Elder.
Boom points at Nietzsche and mumbles.
Nietzsche says: no i doint
Shamgar says: Did someone turn this into a democracy?
Cassandra says: I hope that you keep this quest resonable and logical...
Shamgar says: while I wasn't looking?
Shamgar grins.
Nietzsche says: they're just a necessary (and now, more necessary) evil,
Ulysses says: Yes, be sure of that, Cassandra.
Cassandra says: some quests are so obsurd....
Boom hehs.
Boom says: they ALL used to be absurd
Shamgar says: Which?
Boom says: no sense at all
Boom says: dude... do you know anything about...
Boom says: BLAM!
Boom says: Local Jail, enjoy your stay!
Destruction hehs.
Ulysses snickers.
Destruction says: I hate that one, too.
Destruction grins.
Boom hehs.
Nietzsche says: i don't want to beat this issue to death (quests) since
i've already voiced my opinion in other arenas, but it does sadden me to
have to deal with quests when all i want to do is optimize my killing
Ulysses says: Yeah, I did that one like 20x.
Boom grins at Ulysses.
Cassandra says: I hope the quest is going to be in an area, as opposed to a
scavenger hunt?
Shamgar hehs.
Ulysses says: The level 20 one will have its own area probably.
Ulysses groans.
Boom says: dont we all....
Shamgar says: These aren't going to be just generic quests Cassandra.
Shamgar says: like the ones in the adv guild.
Boom says: I know, how about just MAKING us all level 25 wizards?
Shamgar says: They'll be quests oriented towards you as a mage.
Boom hmms.
Boom says: SAY!
Allanon says: do we get qps for 'em?
Shamgar says: so I doubt that "scavanger hunt" will really be a big part of
it...other than maybe having to collect spell componants for the spells you
Boom says: what about having both ?
Shamgar shakes his head at Allanon.
Ulysses says: No, you get levels.  :)
Shamgar says: not likely
Boom says: if you don't want to do the quest, you have to get double the
exp required for that level
Cassandra says: well within the current quest system we at least have a
choice of styles...
Boom says: that way, those that are good at killing can just keep on
Allanon says: I think that the well written quests are fun
Cassandra says: that does sound more fair...
Boom agrees with Allanon.
Nietzsche shrugs.
Cassandra agrees with Boom and Allanon.
Boom says: like orc slayer, dude I just can't get enough of that
Cassandra says: well written being the key wor
Boom laughs.
Cassandra says: word
Cassandra laughs.
Shamgar says: Not to sidetrack the mtg, but which quests are you referring
to Cassandra?
Bengali ducks out of the way.
Cassandra says: well written? or unlogical
Ulysses says: HOnestly, I don't think the quest for every level above 20
will happen as it would be a pain; I'd rather focus on other areas of
development.  But I will say that 20th will require a quest.  No ifs ands
or buts.
Ulysses shrugs.
Boom says: davenprof comes to mind
Boom snickers.
Cassandra says: i can give example of both...
Cassandra thanks Boom.
Shamgar says: I know it's hard for you to imagine the quests at this point,
unless you have a barb
Boom hehs.
Shamgar says: but I really don't think you'll find them to be all that
objectionable.  Especially if Ulysses writes them.
Shamgar grins.
Allanon says: I think if the quests are about our mage know-how then I will
like them.
Boom laughs.
Boom says: SURE
Ulysses says: instead of pointing out a standard quest like the paladins do
for level 20, I want it to be guild spefic
Cassandra says: for examlp unks quests are logic, all in one area, and
solvable with effort
Ulysses says: specific.  bleh.
Nietzsche says: if there's going to be no disucssion on that point then i
will save my anti-quest arguments for a different kind of mtg
Ulysses nods at Allanon.
Ulysses says: That's what I'm talking about.
Boom grins.
Destruction nudges Spencer.
Allanon says: somebody write an easy 28 point quest
Boom raises an eyebrow.
Boom leaves west.
Shamgar says: some people already have.
Boom arrives.
Ulysses says: Anymore questions?
Boom says: there is no 28 point quest
Ulysses says: Ideas?  Concerns?
Shamgar says: Galeck's is easy.  So is Unk's keep quest, and Raistlin's
dragon quest.  As is Chasomonger's waste quest.  Er...I guess good != easy.
Boom says: yeah... about that finger of death spell ?
Shamgar says: >28
Ulysses grins at Boom.
Boom says: oh
Boom nods.
Ulysses says: Yeah, what about it?
Cassandra says: uriels was fair, galecks, grogs all in the same area....
logical to follow, as opposed to some with far out syntax...
Ulysses grins evilly.
Shamgar gives Boom the finger.
Shamgar says: er...of death.
Boom says: chaosmongers quest was a syntax nightmare
Boom laughs at Shamgar.
Allanon says: I liked grog's
Shamgar says: I managed galeck's as a very young mage though.
Nietzsche shakes his head.
Bengali says: or hand of god? those dont hit everytime but when they do....
Boom hehs.
Boom says: I missed the familiar discussion
Nietzsche says: what's that do, transrelocate you to cloud 9?
Boom says: anything solid yet on those ?
Shamgar ponders transrelocate
Boom says: solid yet... WTF
Shamgar says: yeah.  We went over familiars near the beginning
Boom says: good, I missed it.
Boom nods.
Boom snickers.
Shamgar says: they'll be there, there'll be more options, and they'll be
more usefull
Nietzsche says: sounds familiar to me
Boom says: ok
Shamgar says: and you'll be able to pick them
Shamgar says: each time you summon
Boom raises an eyebrow.
Boom says: each time ?
Shamgar nods.
Ulysses says: Anything else?
Boom says: no
Ulysses says: Summon, not when you login, heh.
Destruction snickers at Nietzsche.
Boom says: nice
Cassandra agrees.
Boom says: I have no more questions
Ulysses says: And it has to DIE first.  heh.
Allanon says: Do you have to summon a familiar every time you log on?
Bengali says: how bout having your familiar grow if you keep it alive
Boom says: OUCH
Boom falls down and plays dead.
Ulysses nods at Bengali.
Shamgar says: and the familiar death won't be as painful
Allanon nods at Bengali.
Ulysses says: It will improve somewhat.
Shamgar says: and obviously, you can summon them more than once.
Nietzsche says: unless you are the familiar
Ulysses says: Based on your level and so forth.
Boom hehs.
Shamgar grins at Nietzsche.
Shamgar says: there is that
Destruction says: That makes sense...I mean, why would you summon something
so weak that could hurt you so much if it died.
Destruction boggles at the concept.
*Boom struggles with the weight of his grizzly bear familiar on his
Ulysses says: It was so cute when I got it...
Shamgar laughs.
Nietzsche says: maybe an absorbe essence as a higher familiar spell, making
a monster your familiar for a duration. that'd be neat
Bengali says: ah but they grow up you see..
*Boom falls with a SPLAT as his grizzly bear squashes him.
Nietzsche says: maybe a specialty only spell
Boom cackles.
Ulysses nods at Nietzsche.
Dalavar whispers, and motions slowly with his hands, 
pointing at Shamgar
Shamgar resists the spell!
Boom hmms.
Shamgar raises an eyebrow.
Boom says: suicide
Boom shakes his head sadly.
Bengali ducks out of the way.
Allanon waves his hands, and disappears.
Shamgar is resistant to your silly magicks.
*Boom peers up at the sky.
Bengali runs away and hides.
Bengali waves his hands, and disappears.
Boom waves his hands, and disappears.
Boom laughs out loud.
*Allanon puts a towel on his head.
*Boom hands Dalavar a lit cigarette.
Ulysses says: Annnnymore questions?
*Boom hands Dalavar a blindfold.
Dalavar grins.
Boom hehs.
Boom says: nope
Boom says: thanks for your time Ulysses
Bengali says: will we get buttons for showing up?
Nietzsche says: not mage related ones anyway. heh
Boom high-fives Ulysses.
Ulysses says: No.
Bengali says: t-shirts?
Ulysses says: No.
Boom arrives in a puff of smoke.
Nietzsche says: kisses?
Shamgar grabs Dalavar and slams him down so hard the ground shakes!
Boom laughs.
Cassandra begs.
Ulysses says: No!
Boom laughs out loud.
Nietzsche grins.
Bengali says: thanks for coming youve made me feel much better about the
Ulysses dests you.