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> score
You are Player the Full-Body Conversion Cyborg (crusader),
a level fourteen (E14) eternal.

Player Exp:      115,669,559   Hit Points:   236 (236)
Cybertech Exp:   10,985        Spell Points: 78 (78)
Enhancement Exp: 112,000,000   Power Cells:  17,000 (17,000)
Essence Left:    0             Quest Points: 592 (450)

Coins: 241,803

You are sober.
You will wimpy out of a fight at 40% of maximum hit points.
Your age:  36 days 11 hours 1 minute 42 seconds.

> look at player
Player the Full-Body Conversion Cyborg (crusader) (male).
Player appears to have a cybernetically enhanced body.  You see neural
interface jacks on his forearms and at his temples.  He occasionally
twitches, due to his speed-enhanced nervous system, causing his large,
vat-grown muscles to flex impressively.  His Kensei-model cybernetic
eyes stare at you blankly.                                                     
Player is in good shape.
Player's skin has become rather scaly.
Player has cybernetic eyes which are glowing a faint red.
Player's muscles are gigantic and perfectly toned.  You feel puny.
Player is more machine now than man.
        Player is carrying:
spear of life draining (wielded).
Security Helmet (worn).
amulet of light (worn).
A black duster (worn).
Mandalorian battle armor (worn).
gauntlets of ogre power (worn).
ring of armor (worn).
Player's flip flops of power (worn).
Force shield (worn).
> sys
Displaying system report:

 Enhancement                    Level  Status
Cyberoptics                      *2    low-lite active
Inertia screen                   *4    ok
Muscle replacement               *6    ok
Retractable claws                *4    retracted
Symbiotes                        *4    ok
Tactical computer                *5    ok
Teleportation unit               *1    ok
Wired reflexes                   *3    ok

* maximum level attainable
> l at spear
This is the legendary spear of life draining.  The haft is made of mithril,
strengthened by gnomish enchants to be completely unbreakable. The blade is a
single sliver of starsilver.
It has been honed to a fine edge.
> l at helmet
This is a light, durable helmet made from a high impact plastic, lined
with anti-ballistic webbing and also has a thermographic vision unit
built into the visor.  There is also a strange array of lights and words
and numbers, only visible when looking straight out the visor.  You make
out the words: 'Heads Up Display' at the top.
> l at armor
This is the deadly armor worn by Boba Fett. It is bristling with weapons.
> l at shield
A titanium handled shield with a shimmering band of blue force emitting from
the front.  It crackles in the open air, smelling faintly of ozone.
A distant rumbling from the south rises and grows silent.
> l
You are on a path that has been cleared to form a route
around the devastated remains of the buildings in this part
of the city. The path leads south, into a dark, misty forest.
A cold heavy rain soaks you, chilling you to the bone.
There are two obvious exits, east and south.
An old, wooden sign.
> read sign
This is a sign made out of old, black wood. It has been burnt
and charred, and is no longer readable.
> south
The path has entered a dark, dreary forest. Black and twisted trees
scrape and claw at you, almost as if they were alive. To the south,
the path leads on, under low, overhanging branches.
A cold heavy rain soaks you, chilling you to the bone.
There are two obvious exits, south and north.
A black viper.
Black tree missed you.
You slam Black tree with a massively powered blow.
You smashed Black tree with a bone crushing sound.
You slam Black tree with a massively powered blow.
You smashed Black tree with a bone crushing sound.
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,950/17,000
Black tree: at death's door
Black viper leaves south.
Black tree hit you hard.
> s
You are now hunted by Black tree.
You are in a dark, dense forest of black trees. A cold wind
blows, causing the heavy roof of branches overhead to creak
alarmingly. The path here is covered with wet, decaying leaves
and a few scattered bones.
A cold heavy rain soaks you, chilling you to the bone.
There are two obvious exits, north and south.
A black viper.
> s
The forest grows thicker here, and the branches of the twisted
trees hang just above your head, close enough to touch. The path
begins to become more narrow here, passing between two evil-looking
trees to the south.
A cold heavy rain soaks you, chilling you to the bone.
There are two obvious exits, north and south.
A black viper.
hp: 231/236  pc: 16,950/17,000
Black viper leaves south.
Gollum searches your pockets frantically, as if
looking for something.
hp: 234/236  pc: 16,950/17,000
> l at gollum
This is an ugly, pitiful wretch that may, at one time,
have been something like a hobbit. After long years of 
living in darkness and many, many long years in the
possession of Sauron's ring of power, he has been almost
fatally reduced into a shadow of his former self. His grey,
scaly skin, huge, luminous eyes, and slight, tiny frame
are clear evidence of the insanity of his miserable
existence. You cannot help but feel pity and shame at the
mere thought of killing him.
        Gollum is carrying:
a dead fish.
> s
The forest thins out slightly here, making a small clearing. The black
and twisted trees press in oppressively on all sides, and you have a
curious sensation of being watched by unseen eyes. The darkness seems
alive with life, as the night-noises of many unseen creatures emanate
from the depths of the woodlands beyond. The path branches here,
breaking in a small trail to the east and west. A cold heavy rain soaks
you, chilling you to the bone.
There are four obvious exits, west, south, north and east.
A black viper.
> s
The forest seems to be thinning out slightly, and the roof
of branches overhead let in a little light. Down the path
to the south, you see a glimmer of cold, white light.
A cold heavy rain soaks you, chilling you to the bone.
There are two obvious exits, south and north.
> s
You stand before a massive black gate that leads into the
land of Mordor. An east-west trail here leads to two tall
towers that guard the gates. The gates are closed.
A cold heavy rain soaks you, chilling you to the bone.
There are three obvious exits, north, east and west.
> west
This is a small trail leading west from the gate. The trail leads
south, to a guard tower on the right side of the black gates.
There are two obvious exits, east and south.
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,957/17,000
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,963/17,000
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,973/17,000
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,987/17,000
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,992/17,000
hp: 236/236  pc: 17,000/17,000
> l at tower
This is a black stone tower, about three stories in height,
which is used as a post for the guardians of the gate.
> extend claws
You can't extend your claws while wielding a weapon.
> unwield spear
> extend claws
Your claws are too large to be used in conjunction with a shield.
> remove shield
> extend claws
Your claws extend from your forearms and lock into place with an audible
> cscreen on
You are momentarily surrounded by a dull green flash of light as you activate
your inertia screen.
> l at player
Player the Full-Body Conversion Cyborg (crusader) (male).
Player appears to have a cybernetically enhanced body.  You see neural
interface jacks on his forearms and at his temples.  He occasionally
twitches, due to his speed-enhanced nervous system, causing his large,
vat-grown muscles to flex impressively.  His Kensei-model cybernetic
eyes stare at you blankly.                                                     
Player is in good shape.
Player's skin has become rather scaly.
Player has cybernetic eyes which are glowing a faint red.
Player has a shimmering green field surrounding his body.
Player's muscles are gigantic and perfectly toned.  You feel puny.
Player is more machine now than man.
        Player is carrying:
spear of life draining.
Security Helmet (worn).
amulet of light (worn).
A black duster (worn).
Mandalorian battle armor (worn).
gauntlets of ogre power (worn).
ring of armor (worn).
Player's flip flops of power (worn).
Force shield.
a pair of foot long retractable claws (extended).
> sys
Displaying system report:

 Enhancement                    Level  Status
Cyberoptics                      *2    low-lite active
Inertia screen                   *4    ok
Muscle replacement               *6    ok
Retractable claws                *4    extended
Symbiotes                        *4    ok
Tactical computer                *5    ok
Teleportation unit               *1    ok
Wired reflexes                   *3    ok

* maximum level attainable
Your inertia screen momentarily flickers a faint green.
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,995/17,000
hp: 236/236  pc: 17,000/17,000
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,992/17,000
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,987/17,000
> s
This is the first floor guardroom. You see a small, black stone
staircase leading up. A small set of table and chairs sit in the
corner, and several cots line the walls. The room is somewhat
messy, as guard's quarters tend to be, and the stone walls are
covered with moldy old tapestries.
There are two obvious exits, north and up.
Orc guard.
Orc guard.
With a green flash, your inertia screen deflects part of the blow.
Orc guard missed you.
You hit Orc guard very hard.
You hit Orc guard very hard.
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,939/17,000
You blast Orc guard with your wrist lasers!
> l at orc
This is a huge, ugly, Urik-Hai Orc, one of the feared
servants of Sauron. Chosen for their vicious nature, the
Urik-Hai steadfastly guard the lands of their dark lord.
        Orc is carrying:
iron shortsword (wielded).
126 gold coins.
Orc guard missed you.
Orc guard missed you.
You hit Orc guard very hard.
You hit Orc guard very hard.
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,891/17,000
Orc guard: bleeding profusely
With a green flash, your inertia screen deflects part of the blow.
Orc guard grazed you.
With a green flash, your inertia screen deflects part of the blow.
Orc guard hit you.
You imbed your claws deeply into Orc guard's body!
You hit Orc guard very hard.
You hit Orc guard very hard.
hp: 231/236  pc: 16,825/17,000
Orc guard missed you.
Orc guard missed you.
Orc guard died.
You killed Orc guard.
You hit Orc guard very hard.
hp: 231/236  pc: 16,770/17,000
Orc guard missed you.
You hit Orc guard hard.
You slam Orc guard with a massively powered blow.
You hit Orc guard very hard.
hp: 234/236  pc: 16,720/17,000
Orc guard: a number of wounds
Orc guard missed you.
You hit Orc guard very hard.
Your retractable claws rip into Orc guard's puny body.
You hit Orc guard hard.
hp: 234/236  pc: 16,665/17,000
Orc guard missed you.
You hit Orc guard hard.
You hit Orc guard very hard.
hp: 234/236  pc: 16,615/17,000
Orc guard missed you.
You imbed your claws deeply into Orc guard's body!
Orc guard died.
You killed Orc guard.
You killed Orc guard.
hp: 234/236  pc: 16,560/17,000
hp: 234/236  pc: 16,555/17,000
> l
This is the first floor guardroom. You see a small, black stone
staircase leading up. A small set of table and chairs sit in the
corner, and several cots line the walls. The room is somewhat
messy, as guard's quarters tend to be, and the stone walls are
covered with moldy old tapestries.
There are two obvious exits, north and up.
Corpse of Orc guard.
Corpse of Orc guard.
> up
You are in a small, round, black stone room. A spiralling
staircase leads upward. What little light there is comes
from a single window to the north. The air here is cold and
damp, and you sense an evil presence close by.
There are two obvious exits, up and down.
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,500/17,000
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,495/17,000
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,490/17,000
> retract claws
Your retractable claws slide back into your forearms.
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,499/17,000
> equip
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,494/17,000
> eq
Wielded.............spear of life draining.
Head................Security Helmet.
Neck................amulet of light.
Cloak...............A black duster.
Body................Mandalorian battle armor.
Hands...............gauntlets of ogre power.
Finger..............ring of armor.
Feet................Player's flip flops of power.
Shield..............Force shield.
> u
This is a cold, dark, evil-smelling, dungeon-like room.
You slip in freshly-spilled blood on the floor. You sense
that it would not be a good idea to stay here for too long.
In fact, you see an archway to the east that would make a
very handy escape.
There are two obvious exits, down and east.
Corpse of Eowynn.
A Ringwraith.
hp: 236/236  pc: 16,496/17,000
Ringwraith hit you hard.
With a green flash, your inertia screen deflects part of the blow.
Ringwraith hit you hard.
Ringwraith hit you very hard.
You blast Ringwraith with your wrist lasers!
You hit Ringwraith very hard.
You hit Ringwraith very hard.
hp: 207/236  pc: 16,438/17,000
Ringwraith: unhurt
The Ringwraith casts a flaming ice bolt at you!
Ringwraith missed you.
Ringwraith missed you.
With a green flash, your inertia screen deflects part of the blow.
Ringwraith tickled you in the stomach.
> l at ringwraith
This was once a man, now fallen under the great shadow
that covers this land. You perceive him as a malevolent
shadow, one now under the total dominion of the evil one
that rules the dark land of Mordor.
        Ringwraith is carrying:
A black cloth pouch.
black velvet robes.
a silver ring (worn).
You hit Ringwraith very hard.
You hit Ringwraith very hard.
hp: 185/236  pc: 16,375/17,000
You stagger under the Ringwraith's deadly stare.
Ringwraith missed you.
Ringwraith hit you very hard.
Ringwraith missed you.
The Ringwraith snarls angrily, his eyes glowing red.
> scan ringwraith
You scan Ringwraith with your enhanced targeting system.
   defense index: Good
    attack index: Good Luck
       condition: 95% estimated life remaining
You hit Ringwraith very hard.
You hit Ringwraith very hard.
hp: 164/236  pc: 16,325/17,000
You stagger under the Ringwraith's deadly stare.
Ringwraith missed you.
Ringwraith missed you.
Ringwraith hit you very hard.
You smashed Ringwraith with a bone crushing sound.
You update your tactical computer combat data by scanning Ringwraith.
You hit Ringwraith very hard.
hp: 151/236  pc: 16,278/17,000
Ringwraith: slightly hurt
The Ringwraith casts a flaming ice bolt at you!
Ringwraith hit you hard.
Ringwraith hit you.
Ringwraith missed you.
The Ringwraith hisses malevolently.
Your inertia screen adapts to better meet your opponent's attack.
You hit Ringwraith very hard.
You smashed Ringwraith with a bone crushing sound.
hp: 131/236  pc: 16,228/17,000
The Ringwraith casts a flaming ice bolt at you!
Ringwraith missed you.
Ringwraith missed you.
Ringwraith hit you hard.
You viciously slice Ringwraith with your retractable claws.
You hit Ringwraith hard.
You smashed Ringwraith with a bone crushing sound.
hp: 110/236  pc: 16,182/17,000
You stagger under the Ringwraith's deadly stare.
Ringwraith grazed you.
Ringwraith missed you.
Ringwraith hit you very hard.
The Ringwraith cackles gleefully as he dodges a blow.
Blood sprays in a wide arc as you slice Ringwraith with your claws.
You hit Ringwraith very hard.
You hit Ringwraith very hard.
> scan
You scan Ringwraith with your enhanced targeting system.
   defense index: Good
    attack index: Good Luck
       condition: 70% estimated life remaining
The Ringwraith hisses in anger and throws you down the stairs.
You tumble down the stairs. OUCH!
You are now hunted by Ringwraith.
You are in a small, round, black stone room. A spiralling
staircase leads upward. What little light there is comes
from a single window to the north. The air here is cold and
damp, and you sense an evil presence close by.
There are two obvious exits, up and down.
hp: 80/236  pc: 16,132/17,000
Your inertia screen momentarily flickers a faint green.

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This page last modified Tuesday, 29-Apr-2003 00:11:26 CDT.
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